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The principle and detection characteristics of drug detection test strips
2024-04-08 16:33:50   Release news:admin    Views 187

The principle of immune competition between colloidal gold monoclonal antigens and antibodies. When the content of morphine or its metabolites in the specimen reaches 300ng/ml, it binds to a limited antibody with chromogenic small particles fixed on the osmotic membrane, thereby preventing it from binding to the antigen in the test area (T-line area), and no precipitation bands will appear in the T-line area. If the specimen does not contain drugs or their metabolites, a chromosomal precipitate line will appear in the T-line area. Another color strip (C-line area) on the test paper is used to determine the reliability of the experiment.

Product feature editing

1. Accurately referring to the international drug abuse monitoring standards, a detection threshold that meets the domestic situation has been designed;

2. Select highly specific monoclonal antibodies to minimize potential cross reactivity;

3. After 5 minutes of rapid urine infusion, the results can be read with the naked eye;

4. Stable American nano gold high-tech achievements, with more stable and reliable quality than other similar products;

5. Convenience: No equipment or additional testing is allowed, and the operation is simple.


working hours:Monday to Friday9:00-17:30

Add:No.213-3 Huoju Road, Weihai City
International sales:0086-135-6319-9996

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