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Scope and precautions of drug testing strips
2024-04-08 16:32:52   Release news:admin    Views 207

1. Screening in drug rehabilitation centers, hospitals, military conscription, high-risk population surveys, special industries, and recruitment physical examinations.

2. Grassroots drug control agencies screen and retest drug users.

3. Grassroots police officers directly judge suspicious objects when handling cases.

4. Food inspection and blood station by the health and epidemic prevention department.

5. Relevant departments conduct drug identification.


1. Before the experiment, check if the aluminum foil packaging bag is damaged. If it is damaged, it cannot be used to avoid producing incorrect results.

2. After opening the packaging bag, it should be used immediately to prevent the test paper from absorbing moisture from the air and affecting the test results.

3. Specimens need to be collected and stored in clean containers to avoid contamination affecting the accuracy of testing.

4. If the specimen is not used immediately after collection, it needs to be refrigerated at 2-8 ℃. Those stored for more than 3 days need to be frozen for storage.

Before testing, it is necessary to restore to room temperature.

5. Do not use expired test strips.

6. Pay attention to the interference of codeine like substances in experiments.


working hours:Monday to Friday9:00-17:30

Add:No.213-3 Huoju Road, Weihai City
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